
CareeringAhead® is a sophisticated new online career test designed specifically to help people gain objective advice on their potential future career choices. Most career tests only measure 'career interests', which is limiting at best. CareeringAhead® combines three different element's of an individual to provide holistic career advice in the form of a comprehensive report.

These elements are: Career Skills, Interests and Values

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Careering Ahead. Career Development


CareeringAhead is the most comprehensive careers test on the market and offers in-depth information informing people about their future career potential.

Career Counsellors

Advise students with an objective, detailed assessment that gives students a more holistic view of future opportunities.

School Leavers

Find out what your future direction might look like with an assessment that not only evaluates your interests but your skills, personality and values as well.

Subject Selection

Help deciding which subjects to take that will alight with your future interests, higher education and career goals.


Help your children get ahead by informing them of the pathways and career choices available to them.

Career Development. Main key benefits

Key Benefits

Unlike many other career advice tools, CareeringAhead® combines measurements of multiple variables within the one career test (Interests, Values and Skills), providing a thorough and rounded assessment of job preferences. Item development was based on rigorous testing and psychometric analyses, following stringent statistical standards to determine the best content.

Normative data from a demographically broad sample allows comparisons to be drawn between the individual and the overall population, providing further relevant career advice.

Job data is drawn from leading national and international sources with thousands of data points derived from years of occupational research, to provide a comprehensive review of jobs and career pathways.

Career Guidance. Career Counsellors giving students career advice

Information for Career Counsellors

For students who are undecided about their future career path, an objective aptitude test such as CareeringAhead® is a fantastic supplement to professional career advice. CareeringAhead® is a highly sophisticated yet user-friendly product that is also flexible enough to be tailored to your individual needs.

Features of CareeringAhead® include: a screening test to see who will most benefit from career testing, branding capabilities, and integrating career testing into your existing IT system.

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Career Guidance. Career Counsellors giving students career advice

Career Counsellors

At PsychPress, we have seen that career counsellors aim to provide their students or clients with both a high level of guidance for their future career pathways and support when changing occupations. Given this, you may be interested in an online career test that we have developed at PsychPress - CareeringAhead®

The CareeringAhead® career test inventory provides insightful, objective and highly valid information about which jobs may be suitable for your clients based on their interests, values and skills. Developed for the use of both individuals and career counsellors, CareeringAhead® enables your clients to assess their "fit" with potential future career choices and job options.

This career testing tool has proven to be an invaluable screening tool within the larger career counselling and advisory process. When used in conjunction with more personalized career counselling, the tool not only saves time, but enhances professional effectiveness by allowing the career counsellor to focus expertise and experience in counselling clients through researching the relevant career paths recommended.

CareeringAhead® produces a comprehensive career counselling assessment of your clients' interests among a broad range of occupations, work and leisure activities, and skill-sets. To bring to light your clients' job preferences, it provides results on a range of different scales:

  • Interests are measured on an extension of the widely-used Holland Codes to present a robust assessment in seven different job role orientations
  • Work Value Orientations provide an in-depth evaluation of the desired workplace conditions - 7 work value orientations and 27 separate subscales
  • Skills identify what your clients' consider to be their strengths and weaknesses, thus delivering additional information for potential career and job choices
  • Job Recommendations Inventory matches your clients' preferences and orientations with those of employees across different vocations in order to present a spread of suitable jobs for your clients

Unlike many other career tests, CareeringAhead® combines the measurement of multiple variables, namely your clients' interests, values and skills to provide a thorough and holistic assessment of their job preferences.

Career Counselling Reports

  • The individual's level of interest in seven work areas measured against the general population.
  • The individual's work values measured and depicted visually against the general population.
  • The individual's self-reported skill levels, indicating job roles to which he or she is most suited.
  • An updated list of suitable jobs (each attached to an external database providing supplementary information including job descriptions, pay scales, supply and demand statistics etc) to assist the individual with fully understanding particular job requirements and responsibilities. Also provides details of further study needed, and the entry requirements and pre-requisites of the course.
  • Links to other sources of job information.

Click here to see a Sample Report from a career test.

PsychPress Supporting Career Counsellors

Whilst CareeringAhead® is a comprehensive career aptitude test, it provides objective comparative information, which is designed to be extended into career choice exploration by careers advisors. It is through the expertise and intuitive knowledge of careers counsellors and the data provided by CareeringAhead® that a holistic perspective of the client is attained.

As well as the CareeringAhead® career test, we can provide a "Career Indecisiveness Tool". Three elements about career decision making are assessed to help the career counsellor screen students/clients for who CareeringAhead® would be most useful. These three elements are:

  • Decisiveness (as in "I have made my decision")
  • Decision Confidence (as in "I am confident about my decision")
  • Support (as in "I could use some assistance / support regarding this decision")

The CareeringAhead® career test can be fully integrated into your webpage. Our IT team at PsychPress can set up an automatic system that includes ordering online career tests, monitoring completions and organizing the reports.

The CareeringAhead® career pathtest can be fully tailored to suit the needs of the career counsellor. For example the company or school logo can be places on the report. Or, depending on personal preference, the counsellor may wish to have only a summary sent to them but the entire report to the student, or vice versa.

Career Advice. Advice for students

Information for students

As a student, making decisions about your future career can be a stressful and overwhelming process. Make sure you have the best information with CareeringAhead®. CareeringAhead is an online assessment tool that evaluates your interests, values and skills to give you personalised advice about what careers might be ideal for you.

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Career Testing for School Leavers

Nearly all students find thinking about finishing school and what happens afterwards to be very scary. Don't panic! Over two-thirds of students are undecided on what career path they wish to follow when they finish school!

It is natural for students to be hesitant in making decisions as large as this, and many students will look for advice! As well as friends and parents, some independent career guidance can be very useful. Even for those students who are lucky enough to have access to a careers advisor through their school, these services are often stretched over many students, both in terms of time and resources.

A very useful tool is a psychologically based aptitude test, or an online career interest test.

Career Testing for Subject Selection

You're not on your own if you don't know what subjects to choose going into your final years at school! Over two-thirds of students are still undecided on what career path they wish to follow when they finish school, let alone choosing subjects that are going to affect what you do in a few years time.

It is natural for students to be hesitant in making decisions as large as this, and many students will look for advice! As well as friends and parents, some independent career guidance can be very useful. Even for those students who are lucky enough to have access to a careers advisor through their school, these services are often stretched over many students, both in terms of time and resources.

A very useful tool is a psychologically based aptitude test, otherwise known as a career interest test.

Career Advice. Advice for parents towards their child

Information for parents

Ensure that your children have the best career advice possible with CareeringAhead®. CareeringAhead® provides your child with an objective assessment of their skills, interests and values and provides them with personalised advice about what careers they are likely to succeed at and enjoy.

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Providing Advice for your Child:

It is often a great concern for parents when their children are finishing up their school years, but are still undecided about what they want to do after they finish school. While this can be a stressful time, what parents often don't know is that their child is not alone; over two-thirds of school leavers are undecided on what career path they wish to follow.

It is natural for students to be hesitant in making such a large choice as this, and looking for advice is natural. A national study conducted in December 2009 has revealed 49% of year 12 graduates rely on advice from parents about what to do after secondary study. Whilst parents may be happy to be involved in discussing their child's hopes and plans for the future, often they may not be sure of what advice to give.

Often some independent career guidance can be very useful. Even for those students who are lucky enough to have access to a careers advisor through their school, these services are often stretched over many students, both in terms of time and resources.

A very useful tool is an aptitude test, or a psychologically based career interest test.


A career interest test is a psychologically-based assessment that is designed to compare your child's interests, values and aptitude with a large comparison group and match high preference scores with career possibilities that they are both likely to enjoy and be successful at.

Essentially, such tests work by comparing the interests of your child with the interests of people who enjoy, and are successful at, their jobs. The idea is that if a certain type of personality enjoys certain types of jobs, we can scientifically predict what types of jobs your child is likely to enjoy. At Psych Press, we have developed a sophisticated career test called


About the CareeringAhead® career test:

CareeringAhead® is done completely online. When you order it, your child will receive a user-name and password, and they can complete it in their own time from school, or at home. After about 30 minutes of answering 191 questions, you child will get a comprehensive report e-mailed to them. There is also a version specifically available for younger students who are at a point where they will be choosing subjects going into their final years at school. The test measures:

Work skills

These can be skills you already have or have potential to develop that will be useful in your career. For example, some people are great at coming up with new ideas and concepts. Other people are great at keeping things organized and regulated.

Job interests

The types of things you are interested in will obviously affect what type of job you will want when you finish school. For example, some people will like office work, others will want to work outdoors. Some people are business minded, while others are creative.

Career Values

These are your personal values that will become almost like a work ethic. For example, some people will find it important to work in a place where they can work independently, while for other people team work brings out the best in them.

Different combinations of these three elements can bring out some obviously different types of people! We take these combinations and provide you with a comprehensive report.

What You Get:

Upon completing the career test your child will receive a fully comprehensive report via e-mail. It is easy to read, and gives you detailed descriptions of your child's strongest career interests, values and skills. The report will provide a personalized summary of your child's highest scoring factors, and then the report goes into a detailed explanation of each. There are also clear graphics depicting your child's individual score against the general population, to give you a visual representation of where your child's strengths are.

Then at the end of the career test report will be a range of recommended jobs for you to consider, based on an analysis of their personal responses against responses of people who already successfully work in these positions, and taking into consideration further education that may be required.

Possibly the most useful element of the CarereringAhead tool is the fact that the career test report is attached to a database of external career resources. This provides current and detailed information on the recommended jobs, including descriptions, pay scales, supply and demand statistics, and information of entry and pre-requisites for further education that your child may need to undertake.

Career test reports provide fantastic career advice on its own, or as a supplement to professional career guidance.

Click here to see a Sample Report from a career test.

Technical Information

Response data for the CareeringAhead® career test was obtained from a sample of representatives ranging both in age (16-59 years, mean age 31) and educational background (none to post-graduate). Good scores for internal reliability were obtained, with an average Cronbach's Alpha score of .83 across the questionnaire (.87 averages for Interests section, .76 for Values section, .85 for Skills section). Acceptable levels of validity were found when comparing existing measures of career interest, with correlations ranging from .44 to .60.

For further information please contact [email protected]


  • Author: Psych Press
  • Suitable for: General population, career counselors, outplacement consultants
  • Admin: Online
  • Time: Approximately 20 minutes
  • Norms: Australian norm
  • Price: $78.00+ GST

To learn more about the CareeringAhead®, and further discuss your needs, please contact one of our consultants: