Hogan's Personality Inventory (HPI)

The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) has a successful 25 year track record in predicting employee performance and assisting companies improve bottom-line business results such as reducing turnover, absenteeism, shrinkage, and poor customer service. The HPI was developed specifically for the business community and, through an ongoing program of research and development, the HPI continues to be one of the leading instruments in the industry.

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  • Provides a comprehensive, business-based assessment of personality
  • Designed specifically to predict occupational success
  • Can be used for selection or development
  • Results are available in a variety of selection and development report formats
  • Developed exclusively on working adults
  • Normed on more than 500,000 working adults worldwide
  • Validated on more than 200 occupations covering all major industries
  • No invasive or intrusive items
  • Fully internet-enabled
  • Available in multiple languages
  • Based on the Five-Factor Model


The HPI contains seven primary scales and six occupational scales.

Primary Scales

  • Adjustment – self-confidence, self-esteem, and composure under pressure
  • Ambition – initiative, competitiveness, and the desire for leadership roles
  • Sociability – extraversion, gregariousness, and a need for social interaction
  • InterpersonalSensitivity – warmth, charm, and the ability to maintain relationships
  • Prudence – being self-disciplined, responsible, and conscientious
  • Inquisitive – imagination, curiosity, vision, and creative potential
  • Learning Approach – enjoying learning, staying current on business and technical matter

Occupational Scales

  • Service Orientation – being attentive, pleasant, and courteous to customers
  • Stress Tolerance – being able to handle stress, even-tempered, calm under fire
  • Reliability – honesty, integrity, and positive organizational citizenship
  • Clerical Potential – following directions, attention to detail, and communicating clearly
  • Sales Potential – energy, social skills, and the ability to solve problems for customers
  • Managerial Potential – leadership ability, planning, and decision-making skills


The HPI contains 206 items that are keyed true and false. The items have been carefully reviewed for invasive or intrusive content and to ensure the inventory has no adverse impact on race/ethnicity or gender. The total completion time is 15 - 20 minutes with a 5th grade reading level.

The HPI was developed in the context of socio-analytic theory. Within this context, getting along with and getting ahead of others become dominant themes in social life. The seven scales of the HPI capture key behavioural tendencies relevant to these life themes. The scales are based on the Five-Factor Model of personality, but have been extended to create more robust measures of two factors: Surgency (Ambition and Sociability scales) and Openness (Inquisitive and Learning Approach scales).

Norms are available by group in sizes ranging up to 30,000 cases, and over 1,000,000 job applicants have been tested with the HPI. Data are available for virtually every major industry and job category in the economy.

HPI scores are stable over time test; retest reliabilities ranging from .74 to .86. The HPI has been used in over 400 validity studies and it successfully predicts occupational success in all major job categories. The HPI research archives date back to the mid 1970's and it continues to be one of the most widely accepted and used inventories for research on personality.


The following reports are designed for selection projects


The Graphic Report is primarily used for selection decisions. The report includes a description of the seven primary scales and six occupational scales as well as numerical scores and graphic presentations.

Interpretive Report

The Interpretive Report is primarily used for selection decisions. The report includes a description for each of the 15 scales as well as numerical scores and graphic presentations. In addition the report includes an interpretation of the behavioural implications for each scale.

Basis Report

The Basis Report is primarily used for selection decisions. The report includes a description of each of the 15 scales as well as graphical and numerical scores. The report also includes a comparison with important job fit criteria as well as a comprehensive description of the candidate’s strength and areas of concern.


The following reports are designed for selection projects

The Leadership Forecast Series

The series includes four reports which can be either provided as a battery or individually.

Potential Report

The potential report is primarily used for development decisions. The report includes a description of the 15 scales as well as a graphical and numerical scores. The report also includes a comparison with the executives with similar profiles as well as detailed development recommendations.

Challenge Report

The challenge report is primarily used for development decisions. The report includes a description of the 11 scales as well as a graphical and numerical scores. The report also includes a comparison with the executives with similar profiles as well as detailed development recommendations.

Values Report

The Values report uses the MVPI test to compare scores of executives with other similar profiles. The report provides graphical and numerical scores.

Coaching Report

The Coaching Report is primarily used for development decisions. The report integrates the information from the Potential (HPI) Challenge (HDS) and Values (MVPI) reports. It builds a self-guided, comprehensive development planning tool as well as detailed recommendations.

Performance Management Series Report

The Performance Management Series Report includes three separate reports and can be provided either as a battery or individually.

Career Builder Report

The Career Builder Report is primarily used for development decisions. The report includes a description of the 15 scales as well as graphical and numerical scores. The report identifies the strengths and shortcomings of the individual taking the assessment and also includes detailed developmental tips.

Management Builder

The Management Builder Report includes a description of the 15 scales as well as graphical and numerical scores. The report highlights what the most effective techniques would be for managing the applicant if they were to join company team.

Career Compass

The Career Compass Report includes an outline of the occupational significance of a person’s core values and therefore provides effective career planning information.


  • Suitable for: Adults
  • Time: Approximately 20 minutes
  • Norms:500,000 working adults worldwide

To learn more about the Hogan's Personality Inventory (HPI), and further discuss your needs, please contact one of our consultants: