The ERQ is a popular screening solution used to provide a quick, reliable measurement of a person's emotional reasoning. The ERQ will assist you to:
The ERQ includes two complementary scales, both of which measure emotional reasoning. The first scale includes items which require respondents to identify feelings people have as a result of a described situation. The second scale includes items which ask people to identify which situations will produce a specified emotional response. The use of these complementary scales allows for cross-checking of people's responses, and adds to overall reliability. The ERQ produces an independent measure of a candidate's ability - it is not a personality test.
Correct ERQ scores were determined using a consensus of Australian experts who are knowledgeable in this area, chiefly psychologists. Using expert scores allows for identification of a candidate's ability relative to an Australian normative group.
Learn more about the Emotional Reasoning Questionnaire by contacting one of our consultants: